LW Greeble & Nurnies
Current version : 0.51
Compatibility : from Lightwave 7.5c to 2015
Download Script for LW 10 and below here
Download Script for LW 11 and 2015 here
Download Demo object here
Download Zip with Scripts + Object + This manual,
Greeble ? Nurnies ? What does it means ? Wikipedia is you friend :)
How to installHow to use :
Select a layer as Foreground Layer and all other layers as background layers
Note :
The number of BG layers is not limited.
You also can select multiple FG layers.
The final mesh is pasted into a NEW object for LW 10 and below version.
And because of a bug in Lscript since LW 11, the result will be pasted in a new layer in the current object.
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Random Seed : change this value to have differents random patterns, if you keep the number, you'll always have the same result.
Triangles & Quads :You can choose the process type for each polygon type : - Skip : the polygon will not be modified - Bevel only : only a random bevel will be performed - Details Only : only details will be copied on the polygon - Random : a random processing will be used from this list : skip , bevel only, details only, bevel and details. Low Area Polygons & Area threshold : if the polygon area is lower or equal to the defined threshold, it will be identified as 'Low area poly' A concave polygon is something like this : ![]() Thin Polygons & Thin threshold : if the polygon ratio (shorter edge / longer edge) is below the defined ratio, it will be identified as a thin polygon. Keep original polygons : This option allow to copy or not the original geometry in the final result. Details coloring : details will be colored with the base polygon surface. Simulation : this option will not do the processing, only count the number of generated polygons and display it Run the script again and uncheck this option to do the real job ;) |
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Skipped / Bevel / Details amounts :
Define the quantity of each element in the final processing. It's a proportionnal control : if you set 100 for bevel and details, and keep Skipped and Bevel + Details to 0, you'll have 50% of bevel and 50% of details, since they have the same score. # of Details (nurnies) per polygons ( from / to ) : define the number of nurnies copied on each polygon. Density Map : this will use the selected WEIGHTMAP to define the density for each polygon : the average weight value of the polygon is used to define the max random value from the number of Details per polygon range defined. Ordered details : Prevent the details to be cloned randomly, with this option active, the bg layers order will be used. |
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Min / Max size : boundaries of the random rescaling (100% = the details fits perfectly the polygon)
OR boundaries of the size map if one is selected Size Map : a weightmap is used to define the size using the defined Min/Max range. Preserve aspect ratio : if activated, this options will override the previous size option, and only use the height value as a proportionnal resizing factor. Note : this function is still in work in progress mode, and only works correctly with square polygons, if the polygon is a rectangle or is deformed, the nurnies will be too. Limit height : if activated, this option will limit the details height to the specified value. Note : this value is used for a 100% height value in the sliders below, if you set the Max height to 200%, then you'll have twice the the limit height, so 20cm if your value is set to 10cm. Min / Max height : boundaries of the random height (100% = original height ratio) OR boundaries of the height map if one is selected. Height Map : a weightmap is used to define the height using the defined Min/Max range Random rotation step : each details will be randomly rotated using this angle step. Look at Polygon tip : The details will always be oriented (Z+) to the polygon 'tip' before the random rotation Examples of polygon tips : ![]() If the polygon is a perfect square or rectangle, then the result is almost unpredictable : the 'last smallest edge' in the polygon will be used as tip. According to the point order in the polygon, the smallest edge is defined like this : ![]() Candidates edges are B and D, D is the last smallest edge in this polygon. |
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Select Preset : select the preset to load
Load : load the selected preset Name : set a name for a new preset or to rename the current one Add : add a new preset using the current parameters, and the name typed in the 'Name' field Update with current parameters : update the selected preset with current parameters, and rename it with the inputed name. |
General Notes :
- Details shapes sizes and positions have no influence on the final result
- The final mesh is pasted into a NEW object for LW 10 and below version.
And because of a bug in Lscript since LW 11, the final mesh will be pasted in a new layer in the current object.
What's next :
- Advanced Bevel Options
- Control for the details positions (weightmap density, no details crossing, etc...)
- Advanced coloring options
- N-gons support
- more ideas to come...