
WEIGHTER 2.0 BETA here !

Weighter v1.1 :
works on PC / MAC - LW 7.5 to 9.x

(C) Alexandre Labedade 2003
Last update : 21 / 10 / 2003

Comments , suggestions and bugs reports:

Description :
This script use a simple weighted shape to apply weight on a more complex object.

Download Script version 1.1 + Demo object:

See a work in progress version of the online manual here :

Download Weighter 1.37 Beta version
Many more functions... and bugs to track ;)

Be careful, it may sometimes crash your modeler.

This script only costs 20 € (~= $28)

Buy this script and you will have the full version of Custom Select

How to register :

Send me a mail at and specify the ID number

I'll send you back the key to unlock the script.
Paste that key in the KEY field and clic on [Ok] or [Cancel], both will validate the registration.

History :

21 / 10 / 2003 :
v1.37 Beta
- Added the ability to apply multiple vertex map at the same time
- Added weighting for projection and reception of vertex map values
- Added a real 'quad interpolation' with quads (before it was based on 2 triangles)
- Added a new module called 'Sloper' to apply color gradients based on vertices slope... this is still under construction.
- Changed some checkboxes labels (but functions are same as before)

30 / 09 / 2003 :
- Fixed a bug added in the 1.0 version, computed values where completly wrong.

27 / 09 / 2003 :
- Fixed a bug with the "Polygon distance and direction checking" function... was not working because of a mysterious (but killed) bug.

11 / 01 / 2003 :
- Fixed a bug on the value assignation when the basic shape vertices wasn't mapped
- The "Polygon distance and direction checking" option have been completly re-coded (before, the transition between values was always very sharp, now it's smooth)
- I've found a little problem when using the "Use target instead of source normals for projection" option : if the vertex normal point at a polygon edge, the value may not be correct, to avoid it, simply move the edge a bit. (see the examples below)

07 / 01 / 2003 :
- Fixed a bug in the registration process
- Some little tweaks

04 / 01 / 2003 :
v0.9 Big update :
- Added support for all weightmaps types
- More controls
- Speed increased by 2 or 3
- Support for Quads into the basic shape
- Bug fix
- Added a registration key :)

02 / 01 / 2003 :
First upload


Reset map before processing : set all vertex map values to 0 before processing
Use Vertices normals : Apply the weight only on vertices that are facing the basic shape polys
Use target instead of source normals for projection : By default, the basic shape poly normal is used to find if a vertex is affected by it or not, this option allow to use the vertex normal instead.
Crossing weight influenced by distance : When multiples polygons are influencing a same vertex, the distance from the poly will be used to defin wich is the more influent on the vertex, else the average value is used.
(Try to keep this option allways on)
Polygon distance and direction checking : When multiples polygons are 'aligned' they will only affect vertices until a new polygon is reached, else they will affect all vertices in front off them (with blending with the other aligned polys)

Technical limitations :

- The basic shape MUST be only made of triangles or quads
But you might try to use only triangles : for now quads may give some bad results
- Try to have as few polygons on the basic shape as possible
- Before running the script, hide all unnecessary geometry to speed up computing
- Discontinous UV maps aren't supported (Lscript limitation)...
- Morphs maps are supported, but the result is weird.... I'm working on it

- Non-registered user can only edit the first map off each type and the script action is limited to 150 vertices

1) Load your main object
2) Create a basic 2D (or 3D) shape facing it
3) Set some weight values on this shape
4) Select at least 1 poly on this shape (all connected polys to this one will be used)
5) Run the script

Complex weight

Distance influence

Polygon distance and direction checking
Starting shape : Crossing weight influenced by distance Crossing weight influenced by distance
Polygon distance and direction checking

Another more complex example with colors :

Use target instead of source normals for projection alignment problem :
NOTE : Since version 1.1, this problem seems to be completly fixed.
Here, the vertices normals are pointing directly to polygon edges, so no value is detected and the vertices are white

To avoid this problem, simply move the edges a bit (here I've rotated the basic shape from 1°),
so the vertices normal do not meet any edges and values are correct

(Note : The shape in the center is not a circle but a cone seen from the top)

More examples : Color Maps - UV Maps - Morph Maps

 Weighter + Use vertex normals
Only vertices in "looking" at the polygon are weighted use the polygon normal.
Weighter + Use target instead of source normals for projection
Vertices normals are used to set the weighting.

Some other examples....